Redvein Enkianthus
/By Joan Butler
photo by kenpei
Recently, I came across a list of Cary Award-winning plants. The Cary Award program, named after Shrewsbury plantsman Ed Cary, was designed to highlight relatively uncommon plants that New England gardeners can choose with confidence as good performers for their home landscapes. The program was administered by the Worcester County Horticultural Society from 1997-2019. In its first year, five plants were selected as winners. One of these is a favorite of mine, Redvein Enkianthus.
I first encountered this plant many years ago, on a garden tour of a remarkable rhododendron garden in Concord, MA. The garden was full of towering rhododendrons, mountain laurel and azaleas. As I walked along the woodland paths, I found myself beneath a tall, smooth-barked shrub with dangling creamy pink flowers. Later, I asked the owner about the plant and learned it was a Redvein Enkianthus.
photo by joan butler
Redvein Enkianthus (Enkianthus campanulatus) is an upright deciduous shrub that is native to the open woodlands of Japan. It has a slow to moderate growth rate, but can eventually reach the size of a small tree (15-20 feet). It is hardy in Zones 4-7, making it an ideal selection for New England gardens. It has a graceful branch pattern, with elliptical leaves clustered at the branch tips. The bluish-green summer foliage turns to show-stopping shades of brilliant red, orange and yellow in autumn.
Bloom time is late spring/early summer. The half-inch long bell-shaped flowers hang in clusters (racemes) near the branch tips and are creamy white accented with red veins. The flowers are followed by dangling brownish seed capsules that are not particularly showy, but which add an element of distinction to the winter landscape, especially when frosted with a light coating of snow or ice.
Enkianthus c. ‘Showy Lantern’ by avant gardens
Hybridizers have introduced new cultivars with an increased range of flower color, such as the red-flowered ‘Red Bells’, and the dark pink-flowered ‘Showy Lantern’, introduced by Weston Nurseries. There is also a naturally occurring white-flowered form, ‘Albiflorus’.
Redvein Enkianthus prefers cultural conditions similar to those required by rhododendrons: acidic soil, with good drainage and moderate moisture. It is useful in the woodland garden, in the shrub border or as a specimen plant. It prefers part shade to full sun. It is considered pest- and disease-free, and is rarely damaged by deer.
photo by joan butler
My own Enkianthus is now nearly ten feet tall and functions as a small, multi-trunk tree in my landscape. It is planted next to my deck, where we can enjoy its dainty spring-time flowers at eye-level. Right now, in late March, its pointy little buds are yellow at the base and rosy pink at the tips, announcing that spring really is here!
Redvein Enkianthus is easily grown and deserves to be more widely used in the home landscape. It is a valued addition to the woodland garden or the shrub border, and is ideal for small gardens due to its slow growth rate. It offers four-season interest with its delicate spring flowers, rich green summer foliage, brilliant autumn color, and the winter prominence of its seed capsules and smooth gray-brown bark. I wouldn’t be without this graceful, distinctive shrub.
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